5 Plants That Bring Positivity To Your Home

5 Plants that Bring Positivity to Your Home

While buying plants may be on the last of your list of priorities, it is something that animates your space. Once you start having plants around your home, you will fall in love with greenery. House plants add beauty and a lush feel to your home, but they’re more than just their looks. They soak up lousy air, removing airborne toxins and pollutants. The right indoor plants can do wonders for our psychological and physical health.


This plant is an all-rounded favorite!
Known for its soothing smell and is recommended to boost positive energy around your home. Jasmine’s tranquil whiteness attracts positive energy and helps strengthen focus and overall positivity. Its pleasant smell can help soothe your mind after a stressful workday.

Where should you place it?
Near a south-facing window when indoors.


This herb promotes physical and mental well-being while purifying the air to keep your home pollution-free. The smell of rosemary can uplift your mood, reduce fatigue, fight anxiety, improve memory, and treat insomnia. You can steep some rosemary in boiling water and drink it as a tea as well. It has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
Where should you place it?
Please keep it in a sunny spot and make sure not to overwater it. It is a gentle herb, so treat it gently.

Peace Lily

You are looking for a plant that helps you prosper spiritually, mentally, and physically? Peace Lily is here to save your day. It is known for improving the flow of energy in the home by purifying the air and neutralizing harmful indoor gases. Peace Lily, as the name suggests, is known as the harbinger of peace. It also serves practical purposes like removing mold from the air and reducing the level of cancer-causing formaldehyde.

Where to place it?
It grows well in shaded environments, such as an office or in a corner. Placing the pot of peace lily in the bedroom will promote restful sleep.

Money Plant

Luck is on its way if you have a money plant in your home!
A money plant is also known as a jade plant and is said to be an excellent plant to keep in corners and reduce anxiety. It is known for boosting oxygen levels in the home, promoting good circulation, and better health.

Where to place it?
It is advisable to place the plant such that it covers sharp corners that may cause tension, stress, and negative energy.

Aloe Vera

This plant not only brings positive energy but also is a natural healer. The gel from the stalks of this magical plant can be a soothing substance leading to the regeneration of cells. Aloe Vera can prosper under natural or artificial light alike. It hates standing water or overwatering, so make sure it has good drainage.

Where to place it?
Anywhere. Aloe Vera is perfect for any room in your home. Just make sure you have this plant for a better and more positive space.

Are you ready to add more green positivity to your living space? Do let us know your favorite indoor plants and how they have helped you improve your house’s energy. Add a small succulent to your table or gorgeous basil to your balcony. Every bit of greenery helps you live in a more positive and oxygen-filled environment. Create a breathable space for yourself and your coming generations by adding a plant now and then. Stay tuned to find out about our green edition’s next chapter – Plants that decorate your balcony view.

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